Saturday, November 28, 2015

Baptism and Salvation

Unit I
Choice 3: Romans 6. Baptism

1.    Review Romans 6:1–13 and answer the following questions in writing:

o       What must be done with sin before baptism can occur?
Before entering the waters of baptism, it is necessary to repent of our sins. It is true that we are cleansed during baptism, and symbolically, those sins stay in the water, however, it is important to present ourselves cleaned by repentance.

o       What events from Christ’s life are symbolized in baptism?
Baptism by immersion is the way Christ taught to be the correct way to do it. In it, we find different symbolisms that represent different events from Christ’s life: His death, burial, and resurrection.

o       Considering this symbolism, why couldn’t someone be baptized by
When we are baptized, we are complete immersion in water symbolizing His death and burial. Sprinkling water on the head does not reflect in any way what He taught us with His example.

o       What do these verses teach us about how we can maintain the “newness of life”?
As it is true that the baptism cleanse us from sin, it is also true that we are going to make mistakes and sin again. To keep ourselves clean, we have to repent from any sin so we can partake of the sacraments and renew the covenants we made with Him when we were baptized.

o       According to Mosiah 3:19, what part of us would ideally die at baptism?

Ideally, the natural man in us would die at baptism letting a true follower of Christ take place. 

2.    Study Romans 6:14–23. Write a paragraph that describes how we know whose servant we are. Then write a statement identifying the true source of freedom.
We can know whose servants we are by analyzing the things we do daily. If instead of turning the TV or cell phone first thing in the morning, we say our prayer, we then are servants to righteousness. If no televised game on Sunday, for import it has been announced, keep us from going to church to renew our baptism covenant, we then are servants to righteousness. Doing the contrary to the two examples above will tell us that we are, sadly, servants to sin.

Freedom comes from being able to obey the commandments and living the gospel and its principles. 

Unit II
Choice 1: Romans 12-16. Live as Saints Should Live

1.    Review Romans 13:11 and look for what is “nearer.” Read Ezekiel 3:20; Doctrine and Covenants 14:7; and explain in writing what we must continue doing to work
out our salvation.
We have to learn how to die well by obeying God’s commandments and keeping our covenants. Enduring to the end is a phrase we hear many times. It means to have a continuous desire to follow Christs and His teachings. Joseph B. Wirthlin taught the following, “The gospel of Jesus Christ includes enduring to the end as one of its bedrock doctrines. Jesus taught, “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” And, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed.”” General Conference, October 2004. Enduring to the end has the greatest reward of all, eternal life.

2.    In Romans 12-13 Paul gave much counsel that leads to salvation. Read each of the following verses and list what Paul taught would help lead to salvation:
·            Romans 12:1 -Live a life of service, and becoming holy by obeying His commandments and becoming His disciples.  
·            Romans 12:2 -Not be adapted to the world, but converted to do the right.
·            Romans 12:9 -Love without pretense and avoid the evil.
·            Romans 12:13 -Help and serve others.
·            Romans 12:16 -Treat others with equality. Not judge. Not to feel more important than others.
·            Romans 12:21 -Turn away from evil. Overcome evil with good.
·            Romans 13:1 -Recognize that there is aw to obey.
·            Romans 13:3 -Obey the law to stay away from trouble.
·            Romans 13:8 –Stay away from debt.
·            Romans 13:9 –Obey the commandments. Love one another.
3.    Review Romans 14:1-13; 15:1-3. Then write answers to the following questions:
·            What cautions did Paul give about judging?
Paul teaches that is not for us to judge others, but only God. If we do it, instead of helping them we become a stumbling block for them.

·            People may have different opinions and practices, but what is most important to remember?
It is important to remember that everyone is different and the way one person serves the Lord in not necessary the only way or correct way to do it. At the end, the only one who can judge us is God, and we are here to serve our neighbor and seeks for their wellness.

·            What additional insight comes from reading Doctrine and Covenants 38:25-27?
When we see others, our brothers and sisters, with love, we become one and it is what the Lord wants to be, one with Him.

4.    Review Romans 15:25-26, 31; 16:2, 15. Write the term Paul frequently used to refer to members of the Church in his day.

In his day, Paul referred to the members of the church as Saints. We are also called Saint, but to differentiate us from the, we are Latter-Day Saints.  

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